This important opportunity to learn more about Project Phases, Diagrams, and Updated Timeline for the latest on the Realize Plan for Flood Park. The 2 hour event starts at 2pm on November 5 at Flood Park’s Fir Picnic area.
Please make time to attend this meeting to learn more, ask questions, hear concerns and issues that others are voicing. Get yourself and family up to date on what will be happening at the park for the next few years.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, please leave your feedback and/or questions in the comment form below. All comments are shared with the County Parks department and our community.
County Parks Overall Realize Plan
Following the Board of Supervisor’s approval of the County’s updated Landscape Plan in July, the County Parks Department began working with the design team to develop plans for Phase 1 of the project. View the overall plan and what will be included in Phase 1 below.
Phase 1 designs are scheduled to be reviewed by the Board of Supervisors in December.

Phase 1 Plan for Flood Park
The construction bidding process will follow in early 2023 and we expect to break ground and begin construction of Phase 1 in 2023. Through the project’s phased approach key improvements and new facilities are prioritized while ensuring other areas of the park remain open during construction.

During the first half of 2023, the design process for Phases 2 and 3 will begin through pop-up events and workshops to gather your ideas for the Central Gathering Space, including the all-abilities play space and the focal element, the pump track, and urban forestry, habitat creation, and demonstration gardens.
County Parks info for this event: Parks Website
Is there anyway you can add an additional entrance to the property adjacent to flood park that will eventually house the Ravenswood city school district affordable teacher housing units? This would definitely take out some of the controversy over the only entrance at the moment enter that property from Sburban Park.
The new revisions to Flood Park Plan are removing a significant number of trees. The view that some of these significant and mature trees are ‘not native’, ignores the value these trees provide the area. These trees provide important habitat for insects and native birds. They provide shade and contribute to cleaner air and cooler temperatures in the park. For a park that is known and loved for its wonderful trees and woodland ambience, destroying these trees should not happen.
We need strong and effective stewardship of the trees, flora, fauna, and nature of the park. Many of these targeted trees for cutting could be saved by moving the sport courts just a few feet one way or another. Please don’t ignore the value of these trees to all life and uses of the park.
Looking at Phase 1, would be nice to have the pump track moved to a different part of the park, maybe to the right of the green asterisk, or near the left most area of the park near auto entrance to park (when looking at park from Bay Rd) The multi use field interferes with the baseball outfield, if rotated and moved down a bit, baseball and the multi use field could be used at the same time. There should be a better use of space after so many changes.
The County has allowed the ground squirrel population to get out of control. I have had ground squirrels dig under my garage and now I have them under my entire lawn. What responsibility is the County going to take for the problem the overpopulation has created for adjacent neighborhoods?
What is going to happen when construction starts and the ground squirrels look for safer places to live?
Can the Park provide a fire lane to the former Flood School site if developed? Historically the park allowed buses to enter the site from the park.