Thank all of you that participated in the County Survey for Flood Park during March 2022. We have combined the online survey totals for both English and Spanish and show those in the charts and graphs below. Below these charts are links to the County’s online survey results for English or Spanish.
To see actual numbers for an item, place your pointer over the chart bar or pie slice; or, if you have a touch screen, touch the chart bar or pie slice.
Age Demographics:
Children at Home:
Park Features most Excited About:
Reasons for visiting the Park:
Tree Preservation at Flood Park (2 selected):
Will you use the Picnic Area?
Size of Picnic Area usually used:
Will you use the Multi-use Sport Fields?
What Sport will you play on the Multi-purpose field?
Note: Graphics are created using all of the survey respondents, not just those that participate in sports. Multiple selections for this question were allowed.
How is your Sport Play Characterized?
Note: County finalized the survey summary data on Apr 26th. It contains some minor corruption on a few of the questions and a few anomalies: While these errors are minor, we have asked County to review the survey and correct their numbers – when they do, the charts and graphs here may be updated. For now, the above numbers are based on County reported results and use of all total survey respondents to calculate percentages.
Online Results from County Survey
You can access the online survey results on the Survey Results webpage for the English based survey. The Spanish surveys are totaled separately here: Resultados encuesta española. These results are from the online survey and may not have totals from any paper surveys.
Additional Feedback Forms and Discussion
You can still provided input on Reimagine Plan for Flood Park, or any aspect of Flood Park. Use this website. At the bottom of most web pages is a comment form to voice your ideas, comments, and concerns. Please take advantage of this to insure your comments are heard. All comments are provided to County Parks periodically. Share in the discussion!
Additionally, special focused feedback items will be posted on the website. One such Feedback form pertains to Sports: See the webpage. More Feedback Forms will be coming soon….
Please peruse the information on the County website and here on where you can read through the Balanced Alternatives for a deeper view of preserving the nature of the park, its ecological environment, and a way to provide a larger multipurpose area in the sports side of the park, along with other alternatives. Also, please view the main pages (in the top menu) for discussions on Woodland, Sports, Play, Picnicking, and Access & Parking.
While this website has virtually all the County documents, videos, audio, and information that has been posted, now and in the past, please visit the County website too. You can sign up there to be on the County Parks mailing and notification list.
I concur with the survey results that we should preserve the trees and picnic areas.
I also want to voice a concern that introducing more sports areas opens the management of the park to potential grift and corruption from sports companies seeking to increase the sale of their products by “buying advantage” from park management and county politicians. Trees don’t place under the table bribes but as we have seen in college and professional sports bribery and corruption can occur with an overweening emphasis on sports. Let’s keep Flood Park as natural and corruption free as possible.